Regional Studies Center


For understanding the political, economic, social and cultural trends of Afghanistan and the region, the requirement for studying past and present situation and lack of a professional body in this field in country led the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to approve the establishment of “Regional Studies Center” within the framework of Afghanistan Science Academy. Based on the need for studying the regional zones and Afghanistan, within the context of this center some units have been formed, which are as follows:

  1. Institutes
    • Institute of India-Pakistan Studies
    • Institute of Central Asia
    • Iran and Turkey Institute
    • Institute of Arab Countries
    • Russia and Caucasus Institute
    • Institute of China
    • Institute of International Studies
  2. Mahmoud Tarzi Think Tank
  3. Regional Studies College
  4. Research Methodology Course

Twenty-two academic members (having master's degree) are engaged in research in the mentioned fields. Regional Studies Center has various administrative departments, where ten employees are engaged in administrative tasks. In addition, the center also has a specialized library.



Based on scientific-research approaches and policy recommendations, the main objectives of the Regional Studies Center are as follows:

  1. Analysis and research on Afghanistan’s relations with regional countries,
  2. Conducting research on regional issues relevant to Afghanistan,
  3. Analysis of the regional political, security, economic, social and cultural situation,
  4. Research on the role and impact of regional organizations on Afghanistan and regional issues,
  5. Organizing seminars on regional issues,
  6. Organizing conferences on national and regional events,
  7. Providing educational programs on regional issues and international relations,
  8. Enhancing capacity of the academic staff of the Academy of Sciences and other institutions in the area of scientific-research.



Since the inception, Regional Studies Center has carried out useful and effective activities in pursuit of the above objectives, which are briefly mentioned below:

  1. Compilation and translation of 197 scientific-research projects, out of which 35 have been published,
  2. Published 55 specialized issues of Regional Studies Journal, which encompasses 880 articles,
  3. Held 10 scientific-research seminars at national and international level,
  4. Organized 50 scientific conferences on important national and regional affairs in the presence of scholars and media,
  5. Three times granted completion certificate to the participants of a specialized course on Regional Studies and International Relations,
  6. Twice held the research methodology course.