Research on diseases of grape vines in Kabul conditions

By: Associate Professor Mohammad Tahir Rasoli
Note: Grapes are considered to have many nutritional and health benefits. The amount of material and elements available in different grape fruit grapes varies considerably depending on the type and conditions of cultivation and the degree of ripening of the grape seed. One of the most important sugary substances in grape seeds is fresh sucrose, glucose, dextrose and organic acids. The amount of energy available per 100 grams of fresh grapes, 67 kcal and every 100 grams of raisins equals 268 kcal.
The effects of grape diseases can be seen throughout the history of grape-making diseases. In the same way that other crops have a negative effect on agricultural crops, grapevines can cause severe grape production. The condition and severity of the disease in each region of the vine, depending on the type of vine in the region, depends on the climatic conditions and the amount of damage may be up to 50%. Depending on the severity of the disease, losses can be as high as 20 to 80 percent.
The aim of this research is to diagnose important diseases, most of which attack grape vines in Kabul province and determine the effective direction of their medicines. This research covers the following topics: Introduction, Chapter 5, Researches, Recommendations and References. .
In the second chapter general information on topics related to plant vines and diseases is discussed. Generally included topics, general survey of grape vines in and around Kabul, systematic study of grape vines, grape varieties, types of agro-technical grape vines, irrigation of grape vines, irrigation of grape vines, use of fertilizers in vineyards, vineyards, diseases and insect vines Grapes and Characteristics Plant vines are grapes.
Chapter 3 discusses the method of research that involves field and laboratory methods.
In Chapter 4 Evaluation - Analysis and research calculations which include topics related to survey of vine growing areas in Kabul province, survey and confirmation of vine diseases of grape vines, examination and confirmation of disease times, determination of time control of vine diseases, determination of type of material control Diseases of the vine have been discussed.
Chapter 5 discusses the scientific and economic effectiveness of the scientific-economic project for research and discussion.