Human Science books

Writing , Reading & Grammar of Ormuri Language

Script & Grammar of Ormuri Language

Grammatical Closeness of Pashto & Pashai Language

The Fundamental Right Freedoms and obligations of Citizens in Afghanistan Constitution (1976)

Poetry Comprebension

Genius Khushal

Proverbs & Idioms in the Literature of Rahman Baba & Hamid Momand

Badakhshan in terms of culture and history

Study Coins & Ceramic of kushan Period

Hydropolitics of Afghanistan

Water Status in Central Asia and its Relation to Afghanistan

Philosophy of Ethics & Its Historical Course in Afghanistan

tradition and value introduction writing in pashto literature

Half-Decade Chronology of Afghanistan Relations with the Regional Countries

Pashto Literature & Culture of Swat

An Analytical Study on Pashto Manuscript in Academy of Science Afghanistan
