Introduction to the Deputy Directorate of Islamic Studies

Brief History:

Following the Soviet Union's withdrawal from Afghanistan and the establishment of the Islamic State, the "Deputy Directorate of Islamic Studies" was founded within the Afghanistan Science Academy (ASA) by Presidential Decree No. 3082, dated 16/9/1372 Lunar Year. Initially, it focused on academic research in three primary areas: Tafseer (interpretation of the Holy Quran) and Hadith, Fiqah (Islamic Jurisprudence and Law), and Aqeedah (belief) and Culture.



In response to the urgent need for scholarly research in various fields of Islamic sciences, the "Deputy Directorate of Islamic Studies" was established within the ASA. It adopts a comprehensive and moderate approach to conducting academic research in Tafseer, Quranic Studies, Hadith, Usool-e-Hadith (Principles of Hadith), Fiqah, Usool-e-Fiqah (Principles of Jurisprudence), Law, Aqeedah, Culture, Islamic History, Sufism, and Islamic Mysticism. The directorate was founded by Decree No. 3082 on 09/16/1372 to address the necessity of studying and researching various fields of Islamic sciences. Consequently, several academic centers were established.


The Deputy Directorate currently comprises:


  1. Deputy Director (Superior Post)
  2. Four Centres
  3. Eight Institutes
  4. Twelve Departments
  5. The Tibyan Academic-Research Journal Department

Research Centre for Islamic Banking and Contemporary Issues (RCIBCI):

Islamic economics, though a relatively new term, has deep roots in Islam. The Holy Quran and authentic Hadith provide essential guidance on economic and financial issues. The Prophet Muhammad (صلی الله علیه وسلم) elucidated the fundamental laws and general economic principles, highlighting the virtues and vices of wealth and the permissible and impermissible ways of acquiring and consuming it.

After the collapse of Muslim unity and the Ottoman Empire, Muslims faced social, political, and economic fragmentation, leading to Western colonial domination. This period saw the spread of secular and atheistic ideologies, marginalizing the role of Islam in economic and political life. With the establishment of the Islamic system in Afghanistan, there was a pressing need to transform the country's financial and banking systems to align with Islamic principles.

The Afghanistan Sciences Academy (ASA) established the RCIBCI with the responsibility of reforming and transforming these systems according to Islamic guidelines.



The "Research Centre for Islamic Banking and Contemporary Issues (RCIBCI)" was established within the ASA on 16/5/1443 (Hijri). Its primary objective is the Islamization of Afghanistan's financial and banking systems, conducting comprehensive research in Islamic banking and contemporary issues, and regulating all economic activities in accordance with Islamic regulations.



The RCIBCI was established in accordance with Resolution 15 of Article 2 of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, dated 16/5/1443 H.Q (29/9/1401 H.S). The centre's mandate includes developing Islamic banking and economic systems, preparing sharia-compliant frameworks, and organizing academic seminars, conferences, and workshops.



The RCIBCI aspires to be a leading academic, advisory, training, and research institution promoting Islamic banking and economics, replacing conventional banking systems and non-sharia transactions. It aims to achieve national and regional recognition as a reliable academic center.



The RCIBCI is tasked with transforming conventional banking systems into Islamic ones, preparing frameworks for implementing sharia regulations, and conducting academic research and training programs.



Implementation of Sharia Compliance: Aligning all economic, commercial, financial, and banking activities with Islamic law.

Transparency and Honesty: Maintaining transparency and honesty in all operations.

Professionalism: Addressing tasks and issues professionally based on specialized criteria.

Commitment: Upholding the principles of the Islamic Emirate and relevant regulations with dedication.

Teamwork and Initiative: Fostering collaboration, initiative, and innovation in all tasks.

Purpose and Objectives:


Conduct research on economic, commercial, financial, and banking sectors based on market demand and Hanafi jurisprudence.

Develop, adopt, and amend economic, commercial, and banking laws in light of Islamic principles.

Create conversion plans for banks, insurance companies, and small loans, and prepare guidelines for various products.

Research complex and challenging issues at the national level and share results with relevant authorities.

Conduct academic research on various economic issues and share findings with relevant departments.

Advise the government on economic, trade, financial, and banking issues, enabling sharia compliance.

Represent the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in economic and Islamic banking sectors, maintaining relationships with other Islamic institutions.

RCIBCI Administrative Structure:

The RCIBCI comprises the following:


Directorate Office: Includes five professional academic advisors, an academic secretary, and an executive manager.


Institute for Research on Islamic Banking and Commercial Transactions: Focuses on Islamic banking and commercial issues.

Department of Islamic Banking: Reviews banking laws, designs Islamic banking products, and conducts related research and training.

Department of Commercial Transactions: Researches contemporary commercial issues and aligns them with Shariah principles.

Takaful Department: Researches Islamic Takaful and related issues.

Capacity Building Department: Provides research and training programs.

Institute of Contemporary Financial Issues: Researches contemporary financial issues.

Department of Finance and Money: Analyzes financial policies and conducts related research.

Department of Trade: Researches goods transactions and related issues.

Additional Centres:


Centre of Tafseer and Hadith:


Institute of Tafseer and Quranic Studies: Conducts research on Quranic studies.

Institute of Hadith and Usool-e-Hadith: Researches Hadiths and principles of Hadith.

Centre of Fiqah (Islamic Jurisprudence) and Law:


Institute of Fiqah and Usool-e-Fiqah: Conducts research on Fiqah and its principles.

Institute of Law: Includes departments focusing on general and family law.

Centre of Aqeedah (Belief) and Culture:


Institute of Aqeedah: Researches belief and mysticism.

Institute of Islamic Culture (Islamic Thaqafah): Researches Islamic culture.

Department of Tibyan Academic and Research Journal: Publishes academic papers and research essays.



Since its establishment, the Deputy Directorate of Islamic Studies has made significant progress, including:


Completing over 123 academic-research books.

Preparing numerous theses for publication.

Publishing 30 issues of academic-research papers.

Publishing 900 academic-research articles in the Tibyan journal.

Releasing a two-volume dictionary of jurisprudential terms.

Hosting 50 academic-research seminars at national, regional, and international levels.

Holding 330 individual academic-research conferences.

Publishing 66 issues of the Tibyan journal.

Translating and printing around 20 books from various languages.

Producing over 20 routine research books by senior researchers.

Contact Information:

Phone: 0202201256

Fellow bellow link to see introduction of Deputy Directorate of Islamic Studies in arabic language:

وكالة البحوث في العلوم الإسلامية