Deputy Directorate of Natural and Technical Sciences


Deputy directorate of Natural and Technical Sciences is one of the three main research branches of (ASA).

 In Afghanistan For the continuation and coordination of the Research works in the fields of fundamental, applied, natural and Technical Sciences and innovations the relative field research work in Afghanistan the Deputy directorate of Natural and Technical Sciences by decision of the government of Afghanistan was founded as one of the main branch of Academy of Sciences of Afghanistan. In 1360(1981) After the law of ASA ratified by the cabinet of the Ministers of the government of Afghanistan.

Later in 1367 (1988) the same directorate developed into four research centers and one publication unit.

  1. Researches Center of  Chemistry, Biology and Agriculture Sciences.
  2. Researches Center of Mathematical, Physical and Technical Sciences.
  3. Researches Center for Earth Sciences.
  4. Researches Center for Medical Sciences.
  5. Tabiat Scientific Research Journal.

In 1382 (2003) following the proposal of ASA and approval of president of Afghanistan the Secretariat of National Commission for Science and Technology was also added to the DD of N&TSs.

Currently scientists and scholars of Deputy directorate of Natural and Technical Sciences carry- out their researches works in different fields of fundamental natural and applied sciences such as; Earth sciences, life sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Agricultural sciences, livestock, Energy, Water resources, Mining, Chemical technology, Food safety, Environmental sciences etc..

Aims and Objectives: 

  1. Promotion of scientific knowledge in Afghanistan & its practical application for the welfare of society.
  2. Encourage and promote researches works in various branches of fundamental and applied science.
  3. Represent scientific works of afghan scholars nationally and internationally.
  4. Study and investigate the natural resources and flora of the country which would later serve as a repertoire and reserve for purposeful and scientific research and industrial development, rational using of the National resources of Afghanistan.
  5. Evaluate new inventions, innovations and discoveries.
  6. Consult and advise other governmental divisions on scientific and other matters referred to the DD of N&TSs.

Salient work: Based on our society’s needs most often the subject matter of research projects, conferences, workshops, and seminars are prioritized and organized by the DD of N&TSs.

  1. Research projects (name of some projects with authors’ name
  2. Conferences
  3. Seminars
  4. Symposium

Publication: -

 Tabiat is a quarterly journal of Deputy Directorate of Natural and Technical Sciences published since date 1368 it has published and disseminated more than 700 scientific articles in its 56-57 issues till 1399. all the research and review articles are peer reviewed.